[Pensacola, Florida] — Gulf Coast Adoptions is proud to announce its participation in the 2025 Pensacola YOU-COUNT homeless connect event. The event welcomes people experiencing homelessness in our community and connects them to services and resources.
At the event, Clay and Cheryl Whittaker from Gulf Coast Adoptions will meet with members of the community, explaining how their services expand beyond helping pregnant homeless women in the community. Cheryl says, “As a woman who has not only embraced adoption but also emerged as a beacon of support, I am uniquely positioned to guide and assist those seeking understanding without judgment. My commitment extends beyond the legal realm, creating a compassionate and understanding environment for those considering adoption for their child. I am a legal professional with a heartfelt connection to the journey of adoption.”
The caring team members at Gulf Coast Adoptions are happy to talk with expectant mothers for hours, for free. They can learn about adoption and their options, as they consider the important and loving choices they will make for their child. They provide counsel and guidance for expectant mothers with no cost or obligation. Clay & Cheryl Whittaker are proud of their role in the community in assisting expectant mothers, providing counsel and a listening ear without judgment.
At the YOU-COUNT event, participants can receive health screenings, get haircuts, and interact with local service providers. Care bags will be provided for attendees, with weather items, snacks, and hygiene products. The 2024 YOU-COUNT event included approximately 60 organizations providing various services and resources.
The Pensacola News Journal reports that area homelessness is an ongoing concern. They say that over 1,100 people in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties were homeless in both 2023 and 2024. The numbers were counted in January. They say that approximately 32% of homeless people are chronically homeless, meeting the definition of homelessness for more than one year.
Veterans and young people are affected in large numbers. Advocates say that there is no typical homeless person because homelessness happens in a variety of situations and circumstances.
The 2025 YOU-COUNT event will be held Monday, January 27, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. It will be held at the Brownsville Community Center, 3200 W. De Soto St., Pensacola, FL. There is no cost to attend. All are welcome.