Grand Opening of Its Adoption Law Firm Serving Florida and Alabama

Florida adoption attorney Clay Whittaker and his wife, Lead Adoption Coordinator Cheryl Whittaker, founded Gulf Coast Adoptions to create new families. Inspired by the adoption of their newborn daughter, Clay and Cheryl bring real life experience and passion to Gulf Coast Adoptions’ mission.

Gulf Coast Adoptions mission is to improve the lives of children by providing loving, nurturing help to birth mothers and prospective adoptive parents.

“We want birth mothers who are going through an emotional and uncertain time to know that there is somewhere they can turn for support and guidance” said Clay Whittaker, explaining the driving force behind the law firm. “We look to educate birth mothers on the adoption process and benefits available to them.” Gulf Coast Adoptions assists women facing unplanned pregnancy receive the assistance that is available to them pursuant to each state’s laws.

This assistance includes: living expenses, medical treatment, transportation costs, maternity clothing and counseling. Gulf Coast Adoptions also assists the birth mother initiate a personalized adoption plan and counsel them on hand-selecting the adoptive parents. Gulf Coast Adoptions understands the importance of post placement counseling and the support that a birth mother will need following placement.

In addition to helping birth mothers, Gulf Coast Adoptions is committed to helping prospective adoptive parents navigate their legal rights while guiding them through the exciting journey of growing their family. As adoptive parents, Clay and Cheryl are sensitive to the emotional, privacy and financial issues that prospective adoptive parents face.

The staff at Gulf Coast Adoptions is dedicated to providing compassionate, nonjudgmental and confidential support. Every member of the Gulf Coast Adoptions team has been personally affected by adoption, whether as a birth mother or adoptive parent. Our personal experience will help birth mothers and prospective adoptive parents feel at home, confident and at ease knowing they are taken care of by a team that personally knows and understands what they are going through.

For those who are pregnant and considering adoption or are a prospective parent looking to adopt contact Gulf Coast Adoptions at 850-999-7977.

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